Uncovering Buried History

Gravestone of a John Smith.

Would you like to learn more about how to make the most of Death Records and researching family history?

Come along to our presentation and find out how to make sense of Obituary’s, Probates and Burial records.

Cemetery Records - Birth, Death, Marriages.

Papers Past - Archways, Probates, Inquests.

Trove Australia - Heritage room resources.

Kevin Miles - Horowhenua Family History Group
Mervyn Judge - Horowhenua Family History Group
Kiri Pepene - Libraries Horowhenua Heritage Librarian

Guest Speaker: 
Jonathan Newport

Jonathan has been an Archivist at Archives New Zealand for seven years, he manages the new Records Toolkit site. Jonathan will talk about the best way of accessing records on Archways and the many different record databases that are available.


  • Thursday, March 18, 2021 | 09:30 AM


Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, 10 Bath Street, Levin, 5510, View Map

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