Library News 25 March 2022

Published on March 25, 2022

Library News on a blue, purple and red background

Top 10 eBooks from CloudLibrary

The Wartime Singers by Lesley Eames
The Last Beekeeper by Siya Turabi
The Freedom of Birds by Stephanie Parkyn
Underbelly by Anna Whitehouse
Inscape by Louise Carey
Murder under her skin by Stephen Spotswood
Dead man’s grave by Neil Lancaster
When things get dark: stories inspired by Shirley Jackson
Every vow you break by Peter Swanson
Love, lists, and fancy ships by Sarah Grunder Ruiz


Neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours.
Pam Coleman, Community Engagement Librarian

Everybody needs good neighbours, as the song says, and Glaswegians, according to a world poll, are officially top residents when it comes to getting on with the people next door. Having lived in the East End of Glasgow for 36 years of my life I can attest to that from living in an 18th century tenement with six apartments to each building. Six families also shared a garden, so we had many a party in the summer. There were a few grumps over whose turn it was for the washing line and the cleaning of the ‘close’ (the staircase up to each flat) but in the main, our neighbourly relations were very good.

After a year, I am still getting to know the neighbours in my street. As life becomes busier and busier, it’s becoming harder to make time to catch up for a natter over the fence.  Nowadays it’s more important than ever to be kind to neighbours and the last couple of years has shown how much we need each other in a crisis.

It’s Neighbour’s Day this week. The libraries will have a display this week to celebrate Neighbour’s Day and the theme Kai Connections. Be sure to pop into our libraries and see Neighbourhood Support’s and HDC Community Engagement’s fantastic information display too. You can share a recipe or two and take home some delicious chai spice and plenty of information about how to make the best of our neighbourhood.

Sometimes the smallest things we can do for our neighbourhoods can have the biggest impact. Whether it’s picking up litter, sharing fruit from your lemon tree or making an effort to make more time for a bit of socializing, it takes only minutes out of a day.

I’m planning to introduce a Wee Free Library one day – a little post-box sized mini shelf containing free books for children and adults. People can read, return, or exchange books. A recent report by not-for-profit organisation The Education Hub found that by the age of 15, two out of five kiwi children are either only just meeting or failing to meet literacy standards entirely. This is devastating! Like librarians everywhere, I feel passionate that the children in my own street (and all over Horowhenua) get access to books on their doorstep. Because that doorstop leads to our library doorstop.

When we start from a place of neighbourly caring and generosity, feelings of trust, safety and belonging increase. Even a smile is a great start. Happy Neighbourhood Day!


What’s On

For those who are in need of reading material and are worried about being out and about, pop online and register. You can even reserve your books from our catalogue or let us know what genre and format you are interested in. We will then select and deliver these materials to your door.

Complete the form on our website –

Email us at [email protected]

Call 368 1953.

Opening Hours

Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō: Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.30pm, Saturday 10am to 2pm

Closed Sunday

Shannon Library: Monday to Friday, 10.00am - 12.00pm, 1.00pm - 5.00pm, Saturday & Sunday closed.

Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom: Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm, Saturday 10.00am to 2.00pm Closed Sunday

Kai Connections, Celebrating community, sharing food: Neighbour’s Day Aotearoa 18 – 27 March 2022, Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom, Shannon Library


Paintings by Brian Hayley, March 10 to March 31, Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō Gallery Space,

New Arts Collective Exhibition: Kotahi Tonu te Wairua o Nga Mea Katoa, December 18, 2021 to March 6, 2022, Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom.

Tuesday 29 March

JP Service: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō 11.30am-1.30pm

Thursday 31 March

JP Service: Shannon Library, 2pm – 3pm.

Friday 31 March

SeniorNet: Get help with your tablets, phones and laptops

     Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom 10am-12pm

     Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō 2pm -4pm

Friday Concert: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō 12pm - 1pm


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